19 Support Ticketing Tools Your Service Team Will Love You For

Get HubSpot's Free Help Desk & Ticketing Software
Rami El-Abidin
Rami El-Abidin



I worked as a support representative at HubSpot for two years after college, where the customer service ticketing system was my daily command center for managing, tracking, and resolving customer inquiries. As a result, I have a particular affinity for support ticketing systems, which I hope to share with you below.

Man on laptop looking up support ticketing tools

A great customer service ticketing system makes a support representative’s life easier. It streamlines daily operations and creates a single source of truth for all service records. The ultimate result is an improved customer experience, as reps are empowered to provide consistent, efficient, and organized service.

Today, customer service ticketing systems are more than just a shared inbox for customer requests. The best options include advanced reporting, automation, and even AI features that can automatically analyze customer sentiment, provide reps with suggested responses, and more.

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Read on to learn more about what a customer service ticketing system is, why it's important, how to choose one, and my top 19 recommendations.

Table of Contents

Why You Need a Support Ticketing Tool

Customer support teams rely on ticketing systems to organize daily workloads, prioritize critical issues, and maintain high customer service standards. Instead of tracking down an old email thread or call recording, reps can use a ticketing system to search archived cases and locate important historical information quickly.

For example, when I worked on HubSpot's customer support team, I sometimes needed help to solve web page design problems. I used my support ticketing system to search for past cases to provide context and see how other reps solved similar issues in the past.

A support ticketing system is an important customer service tool businesses use to deliver a consistent customer experience, improve efficiency, increase rep accountability, and streamline support workflows.

Free Help Desk & Ticketing Software

Keep track of customer requests in one unified help desk that connects to your CRM database.

  • Provide personalized, AI-powered support to your customers
  • Save time, reduce errors, and streamline service processes
  • Improve rep efficiency & time to resolution
  • And more!

How to Choose the Right Support Ticketing Tool

There are many support ticketing tools to choose from today, and it’s not a choice to take lightly. Your customer service ticketing system will be the primary operation center for your support team, so selecting the right tool can significantly impact their efficiency, effectiveness, and ability to solve for the customer.

Sorry, I didn’t mean to scare you. I just know from experience how important it is to feel good about the software you’ll be staring at day in and day out. So, how do you choose?

Assess Your Needs

The first step is to assess your needs. Different companies will have different support requirements. Some things to consider are:

  • How large is your team?
  • What is your budget?
  • What is your expected ticket volume?
  • Which channels customers will be contacting you from?

If you have a smaller support team with only a few reps and minimal special requirements, you’ll be best suited to a more lightweight and cost-effective ticketing system solution. However, large enterprises with large support teams and needs for advanced customization will likely require a robust (and expensive) solution designed to handle hundreds of thousands of tickets.


You want to choose a tool that can grow with your business. If you anticipate growing your support team over time, you should seek a ticketing system equipped to handle increasing reps and incoming tickets. Most of the options I’ll review below are cloud-based solutions that offer different tier levels that allow you to unlock more seats and advanced features as growth necessitates.

User-Friendly Interface

Customer service ticketing systems are all designed to do the same thing and offer similar features. However, not all user interfaces are created equal. As a former support representative, I can attest to how crucial it is for your ticketing system to have an intuitive, attractive interface. Your reps will work inside your ticketing system daily, so navigating and accomplishing daily tasks should be seamless.

Automation and AI Features

When choosing your support ticketing system, consider options that include features to automate routine tasks like ticket assignment, prioritization, and escalation. You may not think you need it, but choosing a help desk that can do some of the work for you can save you time and boost efficiency.

In addition, AI-driven insights and suggestions can significantly enhance your support team’s productivity. I recommend seeking out a ticketing system that incorporates this emerging technology.

Integration Capabilities

When choosing your customer service ticketing system, you should also consider what other systems you currently use. Ideally, your help desk seamlessly integrates with your CRM, email, or whatever other platforms you use to run your business.

HubSpot’s ticketing system is natively connected with our Free CRM, so if you’re already a HubSpot CRM user, you can gain 360-degree insights into the customer lifecycle by uniting your sales and service data.

Now that we know what to look for and how to choose the right support ticketing tool, let's get on to the fun stuff. Below are my top choices for the best support ticketing tools of 2024.

1. HubSpot Ticketing Software

customer service ticketing software, hubspot

Best for: Companies of all sizes looking for a scalable solution.

HubSpot's Service Hub tools let you manage customer support tickets on one dashboard. Reps can view all communication on each ticket and oversee the case's progress throughout the troubleshooting process. Tickets are also linked to a customer’s contact card in the CRM, making it easier for customer service reps to reference past engagements with the company.

Additionally, HubSpot's Service Hub provides ticket analytics that customer service managers can use to track their team's performance. This data includes important metrics like agent response time and ticket volume, which can indicate if a team is meeting customer demand. If not, management can investigate individual rep workflow and identify critical roadblocks preventing the team from achieving business goals.

What I like: HubSpot Ticketing Software is a cost-efficient option for small business owners. You can use it for free and upgrade to premium additions as your business grows and your needs increase. I’m a big fan of HubSpot’s AI chatbot features, which allow you to quickly create and deploy a ChatGPT-powered bot on your site that can help customers 24-7.

Key Features:

  • Omnichannel ticket management.
  • AI-powered chatbot.
  • Customizable automation workflows.
  • Comprehensive reporting and analytics.
  • Native CRM integration.
  • Self-service knowledge base.


  • Free tools are available.
  • Starter: $15/user/month.
  • Professional: $90/user/month.
  • Enterprise: $150/user/month.

2. HappyFox

customer service ticketing software, HappyFox

Best for: Any size company looking to improve their customer service experience.

HappyFox is help desk software built around ticket automation. Its support ticketing tools pre-fill ticket properties when created, saving customer service reps time in their workflow. The software also provides templates businesses can distribute to their customer service teams. Companies can create a consistent tone and layout for customer-facing communications by sharing these ticket templates across the entire department.

What I like: I like HappyFox because of its intuitive and easy-to-use interface. During my demo, navigating the product felt natural, and I never struggled to locate any buttons or complete basic tasks like ticket assignment or categorization. I think HappyFox offers a competitive feature set at an attractive price point.

Key Features:

  • Multi-channel ticket management.
  • Smart rules for automation.
  • Customizable priorities and statuses.
  • Advanced reporting and analytics.
  • Collision detection.
  • Self-service knowledge base.


  • Basic: $9/user/month.
  • Team: $49/user/month.
  • Pro: $99/user/month.
  • Enterprise PRO: Pricing upon request.

3. Gorgias

customer service ticketing software, Gorgias

Best for: Ecommerce businesses looking for a help desk explicitly tailored to their needs.

Gorgias is an all-in-one customer service ticketing system designed for ecommerce businesses. Like other help desk options, it organizes customer support requests from multiple channels (phone, email, web forms, live chat) into a unified inbox. It also offers powerful automation features, AI-powered chatbots, and advanced analytics regarding service performance and its impact on sales.

What I like: I like Gorgias because it is a sleek and robust solution for serious ecommerce businesses. If you sell products online, Gorgias offers robust integrations with platforms like Shopify, Magento, and BigCommerce and features designed to enable ecommerce success.

Key Features:

  • Unified omnichannel inbox.
  • AI-powered workflows.
  • Ecommerce platform integrations.
  • Comprehensive customer timeline.
  • Advanced analytics and reporting.
  • Self-service knowledge base.


Gorgias offers a sliding-scale pricing system based on the number of support tickets you manage monthly. Plans are as follows, with prices increasing based on the number of support tickets.

  • Basic: $10/month.
  • Pro: $60/month.
  • Advanced: $360/month.
  • Enterprise: Custom pricing.

4. Kustomer

customer service ticketing software, Kustomer

Best for: Medium to large companies seeking an integrated support ticketing system and CRM.

Kustomer is an AI-powered CRM platform designed to deliver omnichannel customer support. It uses a unified timeline view to provide a comprehensive overview of a customer’s journey from the initial purchase to creating a support request, giving agents the capability of delivering personalized, informed support.

What I like: Kustomer is an exciting option on this list. I like that it offers a unified CRM approach to its ticketing system. I believe Kustomer is similar to HubSpot CRM, which is used alongside HubSpot Service Hub, allowing you to have a 360-degree view of the customer lifecycle. It’s pricey when considering the 8-user minimum and add-ons. Still, I think Kustomer is an excellent option for brands looking to unify their sales and support software solutions.

Key Features:

  • Unified CRM and ticketing system.
  • AI-driven automation.
  • Omnichannel support inbox.
  • Real-time analytics dashboards.
  • Customizable workflows.
  • Proactive customer service features.


  • Enterprise: $89/user/month.
  • Ultimate: $139/user/month.

*There is an 8-user minimum when purchasing Kustomer.

5. LiveAgent

customer service ticketing software, LiveAgent

Best for: Small companies beginning their foray into customer service software.

LiveAgent is a customer service ticketing solution focused on simplicity. It may not feature all the fancy reports and AI-powered insights of other options on this list, but LiveAgent is a very capable help desk solution that will unify customer support inquiries from all channels, automate repetitive tasks, and integrate with your CRM. For the price, I think LiveAgent is an excellent option for companies with fundamental customer service needs.

What I like: I like LiveAgent because of its simplicity and value. The user interface is functional, and the product contains every feature necessary to manage customer support operations from the ground up. I also think it's great that they offer a completely free version of their product (with limited features) that can help fledgling businesses get started with their first customer service ticketing system.

Key Features:

  • Omnichannel support.
  • Universal inbox.
  • Live chat functionality.
  • Ticketing system.
  • Knowledge base.
  • Team collaboration tools.


  • Free plan.
  • Small: $9/user/month.
  • Medium: $29/user/month.
  • Large: $49/user/month.
  • Enterprise: $69/user/month.

6. Zendesk Ticketing System

customer service ticketing software, Zendesk

Best for: Medium to large businesses.

Zendesk is a help desk tool that provides various ticket management tools, SLA support, pre-built analytics dashboards, and AI agents that can solve customer issues independently. Its ticketing system integrates all customer communication into the platform, provides agents with a detailed history of past customer interactions, and automates everyday tasks.

It also offers automatic ticket creation that turns calls, messages, and texts into tickets, with no action needed from an individual agent. If you also have a forum on your website, Zendesk gives you the ability to turn community posts into tickets if a customer raises a serious issue in a post. You can also share tickets across multiple Zendesk accounts — this is especially useful if a ticket can be used as a training opportunity for service reps.

What I like: During my Zendesk demo, I was impressed with the cleanliness of the UI and the little features that make reps' lives easier. I particularly liked how tickets were clearly marked with color-coded labels to organize cases by status:

N = New, O = Open, P = Pending, and S = Solved.

customer service ticketing software, Zendesk color-coded lables

As a former support representative, I can clearly see that this is a valuable (albeit subtle) feature that makes it easy for reps to prioritize their workflow at a glance.

Key Features:

  • Omnichannel ticket management.
  • AI-powered agent assistance.
  • Extensive app marketplace (1000+ integrations).
  • Customizable automation rules.
  • Advanced reporting and analytics.
  • Self-service help center.

While Zendesk is a popular help desk software, there are Zendesk alternatives that offer robust automation capabilities.


  • Team: $55/user/month.
  • Growth: $89/user/month.
  • Professional: $115/user/month.

* Advanced AI tools are available as an add-on for an additional $50/user/month.

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    7. Front

    customer service ticketing software, Front

    Best for: Small to mid-sized businesses who want a solution that scales as they grow.

    Front is a customer communication hub that organizes customer requests from all channels into an intuitive interface. Automation features and built-in analytics help you maintain maximum efficiency so your reps can focus on solving for the customer instead of handling admin tasks.

    What I like: My first impression of Front’s interface was very positive. Navigating the app felt intuitive, and I liked how responding to customer requests felt as familiar as sending a chat on Facebook Messenger. Another useful feature was the contextual AI assistant, which can analyze the entirety of a case and catch you up on the details. This is super valuable if a customer reopens an old ticket or you take over a case from another rep and need a refresher/primer on the case details.

    Key Features:

    • Unified customer communication hub.
    • Real-time collaboration tools.
    • AI-powered contextual assistance.
    • SLA management.
    • Customizable workflows.
    • Advanced reporting and analytics.


    • Starter: $19/user/month.
    • Growth: $59/user/month.
    • Scale: $99/user/month.
    • Premier: $229/user/month.

    8. ProProfs Desk

    customer service ticketing software, ProProfs Desk

    Best for: Small- to medium-sized businesses.

    ProProfs Help Desk is an affordable yet comprehensive cloud-based ticketing system designed to streamline your customer support operations. It offers multiple shared inboxes, live chat, a self-service knowledge base, and automated ticket routing to help you stay on top of incoming customer requests.

    What I like: I love that ProProfs offers a free forever plan, which is valuable for individuals and startups beginning their customer support journey. Also, ProProfs has an intuitive interface reminiscent of Gmail, which creates a shallow learning curve for new reps.

    Key Features:

    • Shared inbox for team collaboration.
    • Integrated chatbots.
    • Automated ticket routing.
    • Parent-child ticketing.
    • Knowledge base management.
    • Customizable reporting.


    • Free plans are available (limited to a single user).
    • Paid plan: $19.99/user/month.

    9. Spiceworks Help Desk

    customer service ticketing software, Spiceworks help desk

    Best for: Small businesses with budget constraints seeking internal IT support software.

    Spiceworks is a free, cloud-based help desk and network monitoring solution designed for IT professionals. It includes ticket management, a knowledge base, a mobile app, and analytics features. End users can raise tickets to Spiceworks via email, mobile app, or user portal. Tickets can be automatically assigned and routed based on your determined prioritization schema.

    Spiceworks is different from other options on this list because it is designed as an internal helpdesk tool, meaning employees use it to submit tickets to IT instead of external customers contacting your support team.

    What I like: It’s free! Spiceworks is a free tool with no admin or ticket limit. While its capabilities might not be as robust as premium options from competitors, it offers more than functional ticketing system capabilities. You might wonder how Spiceworks remains free, and the answer is ads. It sounds annoying, but after poking around the product, I got used to it pretty quickly.

    Key Features:

    • Ticket management system.
    • Automated ticket routing and assignment.
    • Internal collaboration tools.
    • Mobile app support.
    • Asset management.
    • Network monitoring.

    Pricing: Free!

    10. AzureDesk

    customer service ticketing software, AzureDesk

    Best for: Small- to medium-sized businesses.

    AzureDesk is a cloud-based help desk and ticketing system that offers all the must-have customer support features you expect from fancier systems at an affordable price. It includes ticket management and tracking, reporting, knowledge, and collaboration features to loop in colleagues directly on tickets where you need assistance.

    To be honest, I wasn’t thrilled with AuzureDesk’s UI. It felt like a more complex version of Outlook. Perhaps it was a purposeful move to associate it with Microsoft and its Azure cloud computing services. Regardless, other options on this list are easier on the eyes.

    What I like: It's refreshing to see a product that offers a single, all-encompassing plan at a reasonable price. If you go with AzureCloud, you’ll never have to worry about upgrading for more seats or missing out on cool features that are only available in higher versions. What you see is what you get with AzureDesk, and the price is decent!

    Key Features:

    • Ticket management and tracking.
    • Multiple third-party integrations.
    • Internal collaboration tools.
    • Customizable workflows.
    • Reporting and analytics.
    • Knowledge base management.


    11. SupportBee

    customer service ticketing software, SupportBee

    Best for: Small businesses.

    SupportBee is a customer service ticketing system based on simplicity and collaboration. It features a shared inbox, knowledge base, and the ability to create your own customer service portal where customers can send and track the progress of their support requests.

    SupportBee is designed to be lightweight, easy to use, and get you up and running in under five minutes. SupportBee is an excellent option for small businesses looking to get started with a basic customer service ticketing system.

    What I like: I like SupportBee for its affordability and ease of use. It may not include fancy automation features and AI-driven insights like other options, but not everyone needs them. SupportBee is an excellent option for smaller companies on a budget who still insist on a quality, functional product.

    Key Features:

    • Shared inbox.
    • Knowledge base content management.
    • Customer portal.
    • Mobile interface.
    • Ticket labels and organization.
    • Basic automation features.


    • Startup: $13/user/month.
    • Enterprise: $17/user/month.

    12. Zoho Helpdesk Ticketing System

    customer service ticketing software, Zoho

    Best for: Small- to medium-sized businesses that use Zoho CRM.

    Zoho’s ticketing system allows you to collect tickets from multiple channels, including social media, email, live chat, web forms, and telephone. You can assign tickets automatically to your customer service reps and create assignments based on preset criteria. For example, if one of your service reps is well-trained in website design, all website help inquiries can be automatically routed to them.

    Another helpful feature is its sentiment analysis tool, which helps you and your agents gauge the sentiment in a ticket before opening it. Reps then know which tickets to respond to quickly and de-escalate.

    What I like: Zoho has Zia, a powerful AI tool that supports your support team. Zia can read a ticket and suggest relevant solutions from your knowledge base, identify and auto-tag tickets based on their content, analyze customer sentiment, and help craft replies. I wish I had a tool like that when I worked in support!

    Key Features:

    • Omnichannel ticket management.
    • Zia AI assistant.
    • Automatic ticket assignment.
    • Sentiment analysis.
    • Customizable ticket views.
    • Customer feedback collection.


    • Standard: $14/user/month.
    • Professional: $23/user/month.
    • Enterprise: $40/user/month.

    13. Freshdesk

    customer service ticketing software, Freshdesk

    Best for: Small businesses looking to scale.

    Freshdesk is the cloud-based help desk offering from Freshworks. It serves as a centralized customer support hub for managing and responding to customer inquiries. Freshdesk will consolidate customer requests from multiple channels, such as email, live chat, and social media, and neatly organize them in a shared inbox for your team to tackle.

    Freshdesk also boasts AI-powered automation and workflows to boost productivity, while generative AI assists agents in crafting accurate customer responses every time.

    What I like: I think Freshdesk is up there with the heavy hitters of the customer service ticketing world (HubSpot, Zendesk, Zoho). It offers competitive features at a decent price, all packaged up in a modern, sleek interface. I also like that Freshdesk is fully customizable. From custom CSS to match the look and feel of your brand to custom objects to emphasize information unique to your business, you’re free to create a helpdesk that is custom-tailored to your business using Freshdesk.

    Key Features:

    • Omnichannel support.
    • AI-powered automations.
    • Collision detection.
    • SLA management.
    • 1,500+ apps and integrations.
    • Self-service portal.


    • Free plan available (up to 10 agents).
    • Growth: $15/user/month.
    • Pro: $49/user/month.
    • Enterprise: $79/user/month.

    14. Help Scout

    customer service ticketing software, Help Scout

    Best for: Small- to medium-sized Saas and Tech companies.

    Help Scout is a ticketing system for growing businesses. It can handle all aspects of customer support through email, self-service, live chat, customer data, and more. Keeping in line with the increased demand for multiplatform work, Help Scout can integrate with 50+ apps such as HubSpot, Google Apps, and Shopify.

    What I like: Help Scout emphasizes collaboration with features like @ tagging to loop in colleagues for help on a ticket. Customer support is a team effort, and when I worked in support, my colleagues and I leaned on one another often to solve tough cases. If I had access to features like this during my support days, it would have been a big help!

    Best Features:

    • Shared inbox.
    • Live chat and messaging.
    • AI-powered knowledge base.
    • Collaboration tools.
    • Automation and workflows.
    • Customer management features.


    • Standard: $22/user/month.
    • Plus: $44/user/month.
    • Pro: $65/user/month.

    50 Free Customer Service Email Templates

    Templates to communicate price increases, apologies, thanks, and notifications to your customers with sincere, on-brand messaging.

    • Price Increase Letter Templates
    • Customer Apology Email Templates
    • Referral Email Templates
    • And More!
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      15. Vision Helpdesk

      customer service ticketing software, Vision helpdesk

      Best for: Organizations looking to manage customer support for multiple brands/companies in one place.

      Vision Helpdesk is a multi-channel ticket management software that supports ticketing through email, social media, phone, and live chat. It allows you to manage customer interactions seamlessly in one unified dashboard. It also comes with automation and workflow rules, so the right tickets always end up in the hands of the rep most suited to handle them.

      Vision also includes gamification features, which allow agents to set up “levels and quests” to increase productivity and efficiently close out customer tickets. In addition to task management capabilities that allow for creating, tracking, and assigning tasks, Vision Helpdesk makes these features available on Android and iOS devices.

      What I like: Vision offers a special version of its software called Satellite Help Desk. This system is just like the regular ticketing system but with the added ability to manage customer support for multiple companies or brands. Such a specific use case makes Vision valuable for certain companies with special needs.

      Key Features:

      • Multi-channel support.
      • SLA management.
      • Multiple brand support.
      • Internal collaboration tools.
      • Knowledge base management.
      • Advanced reporting and analytics.


      • Starter: $12/user/month.
      • Pro: $20/user/month.
      • Satellite: $24/user/month.

      16. Intercom

      customer service ticketing software, Intercom

      Best for: Companies seeking to implement AI-powered chatbots.

      Intercom is a leading customer service platform that emphasizes AI-powered features. It includes an AI Agent to answer customer questions 24/7, which it claims can resolve up to 80% of customer conversations without needing to loop in your team. It also provides an AI Copilot to assist agents and an AI Analyst to automatically identify trends and areas for improvement.

      Intercom also offers the expected features of a help desk ticketing system, like a shared inbox, knowledge base, and automation workflows to manage ticket assignment and flow.

      What I like: Intercom offers an impressively comprehensive set of AI features that feel tightly integrated into the framework of the system. As a former customer support agent, I see how the AI Copilot is a precious and time-saving feature. The AI Copilot will read an incoming ticket and automatically suggest an informed response based on information in your knowledge base. Agents can click to load the AI quickly generated response into their inbox and then personalize it to fit their voice.

      Key Features:

      • AI-powered chatbot.
      • Shared inbox.
      • Ticketing system.
      • AI-assisted agent support.
      • Knowledge base management.
      • Proactive support features.


      • Essential: $39/user/month.
      • Advanced: $99/user/month.
      • Expert: $139/user/month.

      17. Hiver

      customer service ticketing software, Hiver

      Best for: Small businesses looking to use Gmail for customer support.

      Hiver is a multi-channel ticketing system that lives inside your Gmail inbox. It’s a fully featured help desk with shared inboxes, collision detection, knowledge base, rule-based automation, SLA management, AI capabilities, and more.

      Hiver is a browser extension that alters the UI of your Gmail inbox and adds ticketing system functionality. Don’t let that fool you, though. Hiver is every bit as functional as other ticketing systems on this list. I initially assumed that a ticketing system built into Gmail must lack features compared to other options with their own dedicated UI, but I was wrong. Hiver is as fully featured and capable as most other options.

      What I like: Most people are already familiar with the Gmail UI, which is a huge advantage for Hiver. I like that onboarding new agents onto Hiver has a reduced learning curve due to Gmail familiarity.

      Key Features:

      • Gmail-integrated shared inboxes.
      • Ticketing system.
      • Collision detection.
      • SLA management.
      • AI-powered features.
      • Multiple integrations.


      • Lite: $19/user/month.
      • Pro: $49/user/month.
      • Elite: $139/user/month.

      18. TeamSupport

      customer service ticketing software, teamsupport

      Best for: B2B companies.

      TeamSupport is a fully featured customer service ticketing system designed to meet the specific needs of B2B companies. It includes ticket management, live chat, collaboration features, SLA management, AI-powered chatbots, and integrations with many popular CRMs such as Salesforce and HubSpot.

      TeamSupport is a unique offering because it focuses on customer relationships. Many other help desk tools concentrate on individual tickets, but TeamSupport enables the management of entire customer accounts, which often contain multiple contacts and complex interaction histories.

      What I like: I like that TeamSupport offers a solution specifically for B2B companies. While B2B companies can use any of the other options on this list, TeamSupport offers smartly designed features to meet the unique needs of companies who work with other businesses instead of individual consumers. For example, TeamSupport's comprehensive customer database provides a holistic view of customer interactions and service history. It also has complex SLA management functionality to track SLAs at different levels depending on products, ticket types, or customer contracts.

      Key Features:

      • B2B-focused ticket management.
      • Live chat functionality.
      • Comprehensive customer database.
      • Complex SLA management.
      • Knowledge base.
      • Automation features.


      • Chat Support: $29/user/month.
      • Essential Support: $35/user/month.
      • Professional Support: $49/user/month.
      • Enterprise Support: Pricing upon request.

      19. Tidio

      customer service ticketing software, Tidio

      Best for: Small- to medium-sized ecommerce businesses.

      Tidio is an all-in-one customer service platform with a ticketing system for managing customer inquiries from multiple channels (live chat, email, social media) within a unified inbox. It is popular among small- to medium-sized businesses and is particularly suited to ecommerce companies.

      Tidio offers proactive messaging features to engage with visitors through automated messaging based on website activity. This feature is useful for mitigating support requests and initiating conversations that boost sales.

      What I like: I was impressed with Tidio’s user-friendly interface, which I felt was responsive and intuitive during my demo of the product. I appreciate that Tidio boasts a quick setup time and a reduced need for rep training.

      I also liked their Lyro AI chatbot, powered by Claude AI, which connects to your support content. I tested the chatbot and felt that the responses were markedly natural and humanlike, and the chat UI was also attractive.

      Key Features:

      • Unified omnichannel inbox.
      • AI-powered chatbot (Lyro).
      • Visitor segmentation and tagging.
      • Proactive messaging.
      • Live chat functionality.
      • Basic ticketing system.


      *Tidio does not charge per user like most other options. They include unlimited seats, but prices increase based on the number of conversations handled. Their Lyro AI Chatbot is sold as a separate subscription.

      • Free plan available.
      • Starter: $29/month.
      • Growth: $59/month.
      • Tidio+: $749/month.
      • Enterprise: $2,999/month.

      Improve Your Customer Service With a Ticketing System

      Implementing a ticketing system can be a game-changer for your customer service team. It can help you streamline and unify customer conversations while serving as a repository of invaluable data to improve your service operations continually. Centralizing your customer conversations with an omni-channel support system ensures consistent, personalized support across all touchpoints, with the ultimate result being increased customer satisfaction.

      As you consider the options I laid out above, remember that the right tool depends on your specific needs, budget, and growth plans. I encourage you to test the options above with free trials and demos and enjoy your increased ability to delight customers. Good luck!

      Editor's note: This post was originally published in March 2019 and has been updated for comprehensiveness.

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